Travel Safety Tips

Travel Safety Tips

  • When traveling it is recommended to try to blend in with local people and not to stand out too much (with your clothing style, things you carry). Drawing attention to yourself, looking rich, wearing flashy jewelry might increase your chances of getting mugged. If possible, reach to somebody from the destination you are going to travel to and find out what is the proper way to dress in order to blend in.

  • Try not to look like an easy target for not getting mugged (not visibly carrying, keep your bag closed, check to make sure you always lock the doors in hotel, car).

  • Be aware of location safety you are traveling to. This can be done by talking with local people (for example, hotel staff, tour guides) and listen to their recommendations of which places they advise to avoid.

  • In population dense areas be especially protective of your technology (phones, cameras, laptops). By not letting others see your belongings reduces your risk of becoming a target.

  • Not keep all your cash, documents in one place when traveling around.

  • Have your passport, documents copy in case you lost it.

  • Have a list of emergency contacts not only on your phone. Be aware where is the nearest hospital, public transport, embassy, police station.

  • If traveling in a group set meetup points with times.

  • Be aware of country and location you are about to visit: socio-political background, religious factors, general attitude of people of that culture towards your culture. Try to research what are the social norms.


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