Traveling alone and loving it: 6 amazing tips to have a successful solo trip

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While traveling with group of friends is fairly common, many people like to travel alone - by choice or by necessity. Why traveling alone can look attractive for one? What kind of experience does one gain from it? Here we will place tips for a successful trip as traveling alone.

1. Don't be afraid of your own company

Traveling alone can look scary at first, but don't get frightened of the idea that for the whole trip you will be alone. There is no better time to spend some quality time with yourself. You are far away from your studies/work/problems, so you can relax from it for a bit. It is also a great way for a self improvement; most of the time you spend your time only with your thoughts and you have time to think about the life and what you want from it. Furthermore, if you are social - you can always make friends while being in foreign country.

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2. Learn common foreign words

Sometimes, the attention you get from locals while travelling in a foreign country can be really irritating. You can end up with the services or things you haven't planned buying and you don't even need. Learning basic words as "no, thank you" or "absolutely not" can save you in many cases. Knowing other words as "hello", "thank you", "have a great day" can lead you to many beautiful conversations with locals as they see you as a nicer person and you can get to know the culture better. 

3. Take photos while traveling

It is common to take photos while traveling with a group, but the ones you take while having a solo trip - they can be more valuable for you. Furthermore, your friends will definitely want to see everything from your trip from the perspective of solo traveling.

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4. Find new friends

While being in foreign country - you can try to look for locals to spend a day or an evening together. Maybe your friend of friend lives there and he/she will be glad to show some surroundings. You can also use apps like "CouchSurfing" as it provides a service of meeting locals and have daily/weekly meetings with couch surfers and hosts.

5. Trust everyone and no one

One of the best reasons to travel alone is to meet new people, but this also makes you more vulnerable. It’s okay to hang out, travel and share with new friends, but you might not want to ask them to hold your bag or money. You want to be open-minded, but keep your guard up enough to ensure your safety.

6. Be safe

Travelling solo can be both safe and rewarding, but be mindful of safety concerns just as you would travelling in a pair or group. Take care in large cities at night, watch your drinks, be aware of any local scams and keep a close eye on your valuables.

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When your time and budget are your own - you can do whatever you want. You don't have to adapt with someone. Also, you have more space to make your trip entirely your own. Solo travel can be a great opportunity for reflection and moving at an individual pace. Traveling by yourself, you only have to please yourself. Most importantly, do what you want to do


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